Monday, June 30, 2014

I have the worlds most beautiful baby nephew!

mom! im so excited to email you!

i just love you so much! you are the best momma in the world and i thank God for you in every prayer. you are my greatest blessing and i wish everyone felt as loved and important as i did growing up. you give the best hugs and make the best cheesy potatoes. you are really athletic about laundry and taking me out for my birthday. i love you to the moon and back.

sorry, that rant is over. i have just felt so blessed lately to be in the family i have. especially now that i have the worlds most beautiful baby nephew! im so excited to kiss his cheeks. i have a testimony that i was his favorite aunt in the premortal life.
i cant believe alyssa is going to eugene! oregon rules. nothing compares! so this week has been really great. sister sparrow is an amazing missionary. she has been out a transfer longer than me and just got to the area too, so we're still figuring stuff out, but we are both really competitive and get pumped really easily about stuff so working with her is really fun, especially tracting. we had a lot of miracles this week and i dont feel like naming them all, so i'll speak of a few. but, first things first, i have to speak of my heroes, President C Jeffery Morby and Sister Connie Morby. they left this week and it was the saddest thing ever! i thought i had already said goodbye to them but nope! they popped up again at our zone meeting to say one last personal goodbye to each missionary. it was so sad! they are two of the greatest people i have ever met and i really want to be like them and have the glow they have. they brighten up the room when they walk in and every time they talk to you they make you feel like the most important person in the world. they are hilarious and spiritual giants! i got to hug them both before they left again and they were crying so hard to say goodbye to all the missionaries. they took pictures with each of us that theyre going to hang up at home. i just cant explain the love i have for this couple. president morby has been to almost every single baptism that has taken place in this mission the last 3 years. thats kind of unheard of and i really appreciate him for that. president ballard is here now and im eager to meet him this week.
so sister sparrow and i have both really wanted to find and baptize a family on our missions. i have found couples which is awesome, but one of my goals has been to find a family and help them grow closer through learning Heavenly Father's true plan for them. i have been blessed with a super close family and i want that for everyone i teach because it truly does bring me more joy than anything in the world. so we have really been praying to be lead to a family that is prepared at this time. but instead, God brought one to us! this lady named evelyn just moved here from south africa with her 5 kids and was looking for a church. she went to many churches but felt like there was something missing from each one. one sunday she prayed and asked God to lead her where He wants her to go and she said she followed what the spirit was telling her and ended up at our church building. she ended up staying for two wards because she liked it so much. thats six hours of church here people! she wasnt in our ward but she lives in our boundaries so we received the referral from a member of the ward she attended. we have talked to her on the phone and she is so excited for us to come by. she went to church yesterday too in that other ward and really really wants this for her family. im so humbled because i have realized that as long as im obedient and study hard, the spirit does the rest. i have nothing to do with the conversion of anyone, im pretty much in the audience while the spirit teaches these the elect of God. so we're pretty pumped to teach her tonight.
so remember how sister sparrow and i dont really know the area? yeah, we get lost a lot haha but sometimes it works out for us! we were lost in this apartment complex and we realized that there is a less active member that lives here so we feel impressed to go by. she was sick so we couldnt teach her. i was so bummed because i know that i had felt prompted to see her and i couldnt understand why God would bring us here for nothing. as we were leaving the spanish elders started calling to us and walking over. apparently they live there. they were like "sisters! perfect timing! theres this english speaking lady that lives next to us that wants to learn more. come teach her right now." so we followed them to her place and she let us right in and we taught her the gospel of Jesus Christ! it was so sweet! her husband wasnt interested but he was really nice. he gave us oysters which was a new experience. i loved them! he just kept giving me more and gave me a whole bottle of hot sauce to eat with them. it was so cool. so we taught Judy and she came to church! she loved it and cried in sacrament meeting. it was awesome. 
i met a guy in our ward that said he's related to an Ann Udall that works in a family history center in arizona. does grandma still do that? not sure. im sad to be missing the 4th! have a great time. i hope my Udall family survives without mine and savanahs amazing programs. i am so thankful for this country we live in and the freedoms that we enjoy. i love you all so much! work hard, pray hard!
sister udall

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